Christie Brinkley Remains Cheerful After Accident Requires Stitches

Bridgehampton supermodel Christie Brinkley was injured Monday while trying to save a bird, according to her Instagram, but she remains in good spirits despite having to get stitches above her left eye.
Brinkley was on Parrot Cay in the Turks & Caicos, where she has a vacation home, when the accident occurred.
“We interrupt this holiday to take a little unplanned excursion to Miami for cat scans and stitches following an accident trying to save a bird,” Brinkley wrote on Instagram. She was treated at University of Miami Hospital.
She thanked her friend Mindy Moak for staying by her side.
Brinkley did not go into detail on how the accident happened. She resumed her vacation after the unfortunate interruption, joined by daughter Alexa Ray Joel and son Jack Brinkley Cook.