Southampton & Brookhaven Towns Joining Forces to Boost Eastport

Eastport, an unincorporated hamlet at the gateway to the Hamptons, is often overlooked due to the fact that it straddles the boundary between Southampton Town and the Town of Brookhaven.
Officials in both towns are now seeking to establish a Joint Committee for the Advancement of the Hamlet of Eastport that local leaders hope will replace frequent confusion with improved intergovernmental coordination in the community.
“Southampton Town does not have council districts like Brookhaven, which helps them foster hamlet-specific representation, but this is a way our towns can work together for the betterment of our shared constituents,” said Southampton Town Councilmember Michael Iasilli.
Brookhaven Town Councilwoman Karen Dunne Kesnig represents the district that includes Eastport on the western half of the community, which is home to about 2,200 residents, according to the 2020 census.
“Eastport has been a very important part of my life for over 30 years and I look forward to working collaboratively to improve the quality of life for all of our constituents,” added Dunne Kesnig.
To achieve its goal, the proposed committee aims to appoint two members from each respective town to help identify needs, provide clearer communication to constituents, and address needs pertaining to traffic, small business development, and equitable preservation and growth opportunities, among other important items, officials said.
The Southampton Town Board unanimously passed legislation creating the committee at its meeting on May 14. The Brookhaven Town Board is expected to vote on an identical measure at an upcoming meeting.