East Hampton Idiot Spotter Resurrected After Facebook Death

The Hamptons’ favorite page to post photos of disrespectful drivers and outrageous parking, East Hampton Idiot Spotter, is back.
The famed Facebook page, which grew to prominence—and some 38,000 likes—last summer, was taken down by Facebook in July, due to unspecified violations of the social networking giant’s terms of service. At the time, the page’s administrators attempted to find out exactly why they had been dumped from Facebook, but received no reply or instructions on how to fix the issue. It was likely due to a complaint by one of its featured “idiots,” the page’s founder, who chooses to remain anonymous, opined.
After losing the page and the massive number of likes attached to it, East Hampton Idiot Spotter appeared to be gone for good, but the page reappeared on Facebook last week, albeit with a few new rules.

The current iteration of East Hampton Idiot Spotter has just 601 likes, as of Monday, August 11, but the page is back to doing what it does best. Only now, the admins note that all license plates in submitted photos will be blurred or painted out to protect the cars’ idiot drivers and parkers. It also appears that the photos are now only accepted with permission by the photographers who took them.
Thankfully, the new rules, designed to remain within Facebook’s terms of service, haven’t put a damper on the foolishness being found in parking lots and beaches across the Hamptons.
To get in in the fun, and enjoy a cathartic release after enduring that jerk parked next to you, visit and like East Hampton Idiot Spotter’s new Facebook page here.