Henry Haid Joins Nancy Atlas for a Billy Joel–Inspired Fireside Session Friday
Get ready to be in a Sag Harbor state of mind this Friday night for the next installment of Nancy Atlas’s smash hit musical series Fireside Sessions. Nancy’s guest star this week will be piano man and singer Henry Haid, best known for his starring role in the Billy Joel–inspired Broadway musical Movin Out.
Joining The Nancy Atlas Project for the evening, Haid will be movin’ into Bay Street with renditions of Joel classics along with some originals.
Informed that Joel’s Sag Harbor house is just a stone’s throw from the theater, Haid is unfazed: “I once played a whole Billy Joel set for Billy, his [now ex-]wife and his mother. They loved it!”
Haid will be joined by George Cortes on saxophone and possibly some other Fireside Sessions surprises as regularly brought to you by Nancy Atlas.
Nancy is very excited over her March line-up saying, “Our March guests are nothing short of delicious. I cannot wait for them all to just smother everyone with their musical goodness.”
Overjoyed at the audience response to her weekly guests, when asked her thoughts on why the shows continue to be so popular Atlas responded: “The absolute most wonderful part of The Fireside Sessions at Bay Street shows are that they are a total love fest each week between the guest and the audience. I’m just in between greasing the wheels to make it all spin.”
Tickets are $20 available at the box office and at baystreet.org.
After the show, come by Muse in the Harbor at 16 Main Street, Sag Harbor, buy yourself a drink and say hello to all the musicians from the show who will be there—it’s quite a party!
Learn more about Haid a henryhaid.com.