Be a North Shore Horse Rescue Valentine

North Shore Horse Rescue—a certified 501(c)(3) sanctuary in Baiting Hollow for abandoned and abused horses, ponies and miniature horses—has saved the lives of 36 horses, 2 ponies, 5 minis, 7 dogs, 10 cats and 16 chickens. From February 14–March 14, the rescue is offering Valentine’s Day sponsorships where folks can give the gift of good will to loved ones. During this time period, sponsors can visit the farm during meet and greet hours (6 days a week) to spend time with and give love to sponsored horses. The Valentine’s Day sponsorship program includes workshops and educational one-on-ones to learn the basics about each Valentine horse, as well as grooming and walk time. And North Shore Horse Rescue will send a Valentine’s Day card and Polaroid picture from each sponsored horse addressed to the sponsor/Valentine!
Visit or email for more details, including donation info.