Honor Flight Long Island Taking 47 Veterans to D.C. Memorials

Southampton-based nonprofit Honor Flight Long Island has booked a free one-day trip for 47 local veterans so they can visit their military memorials in Washington, D.C. on April 29.
The majority of those participating are Vietnam War veterans, with two World War II veterans and seven Korean War veterans.
“This special flight includes 38 Vietnam War veterans who will receive long overdue recognition and thanks for their service,” said Honor Flight Long Island President Bill Jones, a U.S. Army veteran. “What this flight really represents is a big hug to all our veterans from Honor Flight, their families and supporters, who make such flights possible,”
The program, which launched in 2005 and has since grown into more than 100 chapters nationwide, provides veterans with an all-expense-paid day trip that is funded through $400 tax-deductible donations and sponsorships.
The Long Island chapter has flown nearly 2,000 vets since 2007, halted flights when COVID-19 hit and took a smaller-than-usual group of WWII vets last year before gearing up for its regular schedule.
After visiting the memorials, local dignitaries, supporters and music will welcome returning veterans upon their arrival at Long Island MacArthur Airport in Ronkonkoma, as is tradition.
For tickets or to learn more about Honor Flight Long Island, donate, or apply, visit their website, honorflightlongisland.org.